You may not remember the 1986 movie starring Michael Keaton, but it’s an instant classic. If you watch it today it’s corny, but it was during a completely different era (seems like a lifetime ago). This corny classic is worth the watch and has an uplifting plot. In case you’ve never seen it, or it’s been 30 years, here’s a quick refresher.
People will accept a position with lower wages for numerous reasons. Many new moms want the option to work from home and will take less money for greater flexibility. Que the gender pay gap groupies. Wait, can that really be a thing if there’s more than 2 genders? I digress. Maybe you accepted a job but insisted you work 40 hours per week maximum. Surgeons should be an exception. I don’t want her walking out of my surgery saying “that’s it fellas, just hit my 40 for the week. One of the residents can take it from here”.
If YOU don’t speak up for you then you’ll get the short straw damn near every time. As employers we accept, and appreciate, our people standing up for their value proposition. With ALL the social justice warrior projects, words being ‘violence’, and everyone gets a trophy going on, we remain unified on one major issue:
We take it in the shorts on major medical insurance. I could add unemployment here but that’s too deep.
Your company accepts this top 3 budget item as a cost of doing business but it’s a painful monthly expense. Your employees accept it as expensive yet crappy coverage but pay it because not having insurance is dangerous. Imagine paying $178,000 in annual premium for healthcare your employees don’t like, and when they need it most can’t afford the deductible. That should sound familiar because it’s a significant majority of today’s businesses.
There IS a better way. A more holistic approach that drives down premiums, improves the health of your organization, and allows you to earn back your annual premium. 10 years ago this was only available to Fortune 500 corporations or employers with more than 300 employees. Today, it’s available for businesses with as few as 25 employees. The choice is simple; you can continue to ‘do it the way it’s always done’ (DITWAD), or you can click HERE for more information. If you’re not happy with your health insurance why would you NOT try it?
78% of people hospitalized due to COVID were obese, but we were told a ‘mask’ would protect us. WTH!
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”. -Albert Einstein
Don’t be a DITWAD and end up losing your business